2018 in review
CommentI promised myself this would be a year of JFDI or Just fucking do it and it didn’t disappoint.
I got married to a wonderful human.
I launched my passion project Wicked Women’s Institute: recorded four podcasts, did an event in Made in Roath and Ty Seren a women’s hostel. A ‘Stitch, tits and clits’ workshop with fab Twin Made, tee printing with Printhaus. I wrote three poems and recorded videos to accompany them.
I got my first tattoo, then got another one.
Became a cyclist.
Worked on my first re-brand project.
Was part of a video with an incredible band for a bloody good song.
Tried professional baking.
Got rainbow hair.
Booked a trip to Japan for 2019.
Bought a mooncup.
2019, what have you got for me?